FUE or FUT: Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Technique

When it comes to hair transplants, there are two pioneering techniques that are most commonly performed: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both are incredibly effective hair restoration techniques, with a few key differences.


Which is better, FUE or FUT?

We often hear patients asking which is the ‘better’ hair transplant technique – FUE or FUT. The simple answer is, there’s no ‘better’ technique! When you have your hair transplant consultation, your surgeon will assess your hair loss, as well as your medical history and lifestyle factors, to decide which technique will suit you best and yield your desired results.


What’s the difference between FUE and FUT hair transplants?

There are several differences between the hair restoration techniques, but in the simplest terms, during an FUE transplant, individual follicular units are removed from a donor area, usually at the back of the scalp. These units are then carefully transplanted in the balding parts of the scalp. An FUT transplant is similar, except a strip of hair containing thousands of hair follicles is removed instead, to be transplanted into the thinning area.


What are the benefits of FUE surgery?

One of the key benefits of FUE surgery is that it results in minimal scarring, as the individual grafts that are excised during the procedure are very small. If you wear your hair shaved or very short, FUE only leaves tiny, dot-like scars that are barely noticeable. The surgery doesn’t require stitches that will need to be removed either, which is a bonus.

FUE is also a slightly less invasive surgery, which means the recovery time is often faster, so you can get back to your daily life sooner. However, it’s worth noting that the surgery itself will take longer, due to the hair grafts being removed individually.


What are the benefits of FUT surgery?

As FUT surgery involves removing a strip from the scalp, the procedure is faster, which means it is a cheaper option than FUE surgery. That’s not to say the results aren’t as impressive – both types of surgery will leave you with natural-looking regrowth. FUT is often recommended for people with extensive hair loss, as a large number of grafts can be transplanted in one procedure.

There is typically a higher chance of scarring after an FUT transplant, but in the hands of a good surgeon, the scarring will be minimal. Plus, once the hair has grown back in, it will be totally unnoticeable. Because of this, FUT surgery can be a great option for anyone who wears their hair longer.

Above all, hair transplants require a large amount of technical skill to make sure they are indistinguishable from natural hair growth – something that Crown Clinic prides itself on. If you’re wondering which type of hair transplant would be best for you, why not book in for a consultation?