David Cameron’s new cover-up…his bald spot

You have may noticed that our Prime Minister David Cameron has a growing bald spot.

At 47, it is not surprising that the Tory leader is losing his hair.

What perhaps is surpising is the efforts the PM is making to HIDE his bald spot.

It’s not quite as obvious as Bobby Charlton’s old comb-over in the 1970s but the principle is the same.

Cameron is subtly trying to cover up the bald spot on his crown by combing his remaining hair over it.

The Daily Telegraph shows what he is up to in this piece here:


Male pattern baldness (MPB), the main cause of hair loss, affects an estimated quarter of men by the age of 30 and two thirds by the age of 60.

At 47, Cameron is at a relatively high-risk of hair loss from MPB, the main cause of men seeking treatment from Crown Clinic and our internationally renowned surgeon Asim Shahmalak.

The only long-term solution to Mr Cameron’s problems is a hair transplant.

According to Dr Shahmalak, Mr Cameron has two options.

He could try individual follicle replacement therapy FUE, where each follicle is extracted before being re-planted where it is needed.

This treatment, used previously by Wayne Rooney and by Crown Clinic patients such Martin Roberts from the BBC1 show Homes Under The Hammer, leaves minimal scarring which isn’t so important to a man like our PM whose natural hair will cover up any scars.

So a better option for our Premier may be FUT, where a strip of skin is taken from the back or the side of the scalp where there is plenty of hair.

Follicles are then taken from his strip and replanted in the bald spot – in this case Mr Cameron’s crown.